The question: “Who Are You” is simple on its face.
The answer, however, tests security, sovereignty, citizenship, privacy, and eligibility to government benefits.
All nineteen terrorists on 9-11 were here illegally. Yet, they were able to procure 65 pieces of identification. They were not “undocumented immigrants.” Rather, they were over-documented immigrants.
The risk of a terrorist attack is only the most graphic illustration of the risks arising from false identification. The abuse of our identification systems also leads to crimes arising from identity theft, money laundering, human smuggling, fraud, illegal immigration, and the inability to protect against known child molesters.
The U.S. Constitution protects our rights to privacy. There is, however, no constitutional right to anonymity.
The United States is not in a position to provide governmental benefits to the 6.4 billion people in the world. There must be an effective way to identify citizens. Any relaxation in standards to issue identification cards enables a convicted criminal or suspected terrorist to operate under the radar screen.
The Mexican government freely issues so-called Matricula Consular cards. Legal immigrants have no use for the Matricula card. It is useful only to the illegal immigrant. The Mexican government joins open borders advocates in calling for the Matricula card to be accepted in the issuance of drivers licenses by states in the Unites States. Once a driver’s license is issued, the holder is essentially afforded the benefits of U.S. citizenship. The driver’s license offers access to airlines, bank loans, and in some cases even the ability to vote in U.S. elections.
Some communities in the United States have accepted the Matricula card for identification purposes. It is dangerous precedent for any nation or municipality to turn its identification system over to a foreign authority.
The 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants in the United States rely upon relaxed standards for identification. Employers need a secure way to determine the identity and status of prospective employees. The illegal workforce can be expected to exploit any holes in the system.
Relaxed identification systems are an easy way for employers to access cheap labor and to undermine the living wage. This privatized benefit for the illegal employer carries a hefty price tag for the rest of the nation.
– Deb Payne
U.S., Inc